The club AGM was held at 10.00 23rd Nov. As AGMs go it was a fairly quiet affair with the executive re-elected, financial accounts and all presented reports approved.
Under general business there was some discussion on:
- field captain
- the challenges facing new members coming off the beginners course
The executive were tasked to address the points raised during the discussion with input from members. The outcomes from the executive action will be published via the website.
There was one action agreed that will be implemented immediately: that is a Wednesday weekly post will be made on this website on forthcoming activity, range availability and other relevant news. This post will also generate a email to each member and post on the club Facebook page.
On a separate note, The Archery NZ site has useful information for all and should be browsed to build up each members knowledge. The guide to tournaments is a good example and should be referenced by all who are not familiar with organized shoots. Follow the link here